This is probably the most unique place in Cracow. You will understand why, when you get there. Close to the center, only 5 km in a straight line from Wawel castle, there is an old quarry, which in 1990 during an accident, was totally flooded. It was covered by water so quickly, that there was no time to evacuate some equipment, a couple of cars and a bus. They rest under the water until now, making it a great place for diving. If you are a diver, contact the local diving center Kraken and the experience will be unforgettable for sure!
Zakrzówek is also a big forest (part of the landscape park “Skałki Twardowskiego”) with beautiful views over Cracow and a great place for walks, cycling or a picnic. In summer the water is clean, transparent and has a gorgeous turquoise color. Swimming is, unfortunately, illegal, there is no convenient beach or a safe descent to water. But if you really want, you can swim. In summer, look for people, find the best spot and carefully go down. Flip-flops will not be the best option. Around the water, on the higher level, be very cautious next to the sharp cliffs and rocks, as it might get slippery and in some places the might be a risk of landslides!
Map here.
How to get there?
By car: you can park here and then continue left on the small paved road marked on the map as Wyłom. If you continue maybe 300 meters, on your right there will be a hill with the views, and on the left the quarry. To get there you need to go through a hole in the metal net. Again, be careful next to the cliffs!
By bus: I recommend using the site The closest bus/tram stop is called Kapelanka. From there go straight on Twardowskiego street and then continue on a path going left, marked on the map as Wyłom. Continue as above.
When to go there?
Best in summer, July and August, so that the water is warm. I don’t recommend it in winter or after a rainy day in spring or autumn, as it might get slippery and dangerous.
Krakus Mound
Krakus Mound, known also as Krak Mound, is the best place for great panoramic views of Cracow. Also a nice spot for a walk, picnic, or star watching. Located in the Podgórze district of Cracow, the mound itself has only 16 meters, but the location on a hill guarantees great views. The origin of the mound is unknown, but it is thought to be constructed in order to bury the mythical founder of Cracow, king Krak on its top.
Map here.
How to get there?
By car: Park here and follow the stone path going up.
By bus: Again, I recommend the website: The closest tram/bus stop is Powstańców Wielkopolskich. From there follow the map.
When to go there? Summer is the best option for sure, but the views are great all year round. Spring or autumn mist might add it some special charm.
Wołyński boulevard
The most famous part of boulevards by the Wisła river is the one under the Wawel castle, next to the statue of the dragon. However, it’s usually crowded and there is are no nice bars to take a rest. That’s why I recommend a different part, close after the Grunwaldzki roundabout, so called Włyński boulevard (Bulwar Wołyński). You can find many attractions: a balloon which you can enter and go up to see the views from the top (tickets are a bit expensive, though; check it here), Beach, a bar on the sand with sand fields to play volleyball, playground and in summer a boat with a swimming pool on in, a very cool bar called Forum Przestrzenie located inside the reception of the old hotel Forum with a big space outside and many deckchairs, and finally a beautiful path with views over the Wawel castle.
Map here.
How to get there?
By car: The parking next to the bar Forum Przestrzenie is for free if you stamp the parking ticket after buying anything. In the evenings the parking guy is usually not there, so you can enter and not worry. The route is a bit tricky, so check the map from Grundwaldzki roundabout here.
By bus/tram: The closed station is Centrum Kongresowe. Later on follow the boulevard as on the map above.
When to go there? Any time is good. In winter you will be able so feed some swans swimming in the river and in the summer lay on one of the deckchairs enjoying the sun.
Gostei imenso do artigo, continuem 😉
No que diz respeito a Zakrzówek, creio que a paragem mais perto é, na verdade, Norymberska mas olhando para o mapa, vê-se que a diferença em relação à Kapelanka não é muito grande.
Um abraço,
Olá Nuno. Obrigado pela correcção. Fica a dica. Um abraço, Renato
byłam ciekawa czy napiszcie o zakrzówku, czy jeszcze da się tam wejść (pamiętam że wchodziliśmy przez dziurę w płocie 😉
2/3 odwiedziłam kilka lat temu, na ‘citybreaku’. w ostatnich miastach duże miasta bardzo się zmieniają, mam nadzieję, że w przyszłym roku uda mi się namówic tomka na powrót do krakowa.
ps: widzieliście nową wersje legendy o smoku nakręconą przez allegro? 😉
Tak, nadal jest tylko dziura w płocie i oficjalnie chyba nie powinno się tam wchodzić, ale i tak wszyscy wchodzą 🙂
Legendy o smoku nie widzieliśmy, zaraz poszukam w internecie! Brzmi ciekawie.
A jak będziecie w Krakowie, odezwijcie się koniecznie, można by zrobić jakieś blogowe spotkanko.
Magda i Renato